

Join us for an inspiring summer exploring the possibilities of STEM through dance.

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Open Up Her World

Girls will dive into STEM, light up the dance floor, and create something extraordinary. With daily movement and tech-powered creativity, they’ll build confidence, forge friendships, and showcase their brilliance in a one-of-a-kind performance in front of their families and community.

While Camp lasts three weeks, the impact goes well beyond that. Watch the video below to learn more about our community and what Camp feels like.  


  • Must be 8 - 18 years of age as of the first day of the program
  • Must be able to attend all 3 weeks and the culminating showcase
  • All levels of coding and dance welcome


Our flagship Camp takes place in New York City, hosted at two locations: Barnard College and New York University. See below for more details.

New York University

  • Dates: July 14 - August 1 | Monday - Friday
  • Time: 9:00AM - 3:30PM
  • Address: 6 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201
  • Showcase: Saturday, August 2nd

Barnard College

  • Dates: July 14 - August 1 | Monday - Friday
  • Time: 9:00AM - 3:30PM
  • Address: 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
  • Showcase: Saturday, August 2nd

Partner Sites

We've partnered with multiple institutions to bring SFD Camp to girls of color across the country. Register for one of our partner sites below.

Give the Gift of STEM

Camp is provided free of charge so that cost isn't a barrier to any family. The true value of a girl participating in our summer program is up to $2,000. We're able to provide this program at no cost because of the generous contributions of our supporters. 

We invite you to donate to support girls nationwide in exploring STEM. Consider giving a gift of $20, $200, $2,000, or any size meaningful to you. Your gift will go towards providing a girl with everything she needs to explore the interconnection of STEM and dance.


Get the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

The parent/guardian completes the form. The registration form does not include any questions that need to be answered by the child. 

You should have received an email confirming your child's spot in the program. In the coming months, you will receive an invitation to a mandatory orientation. To keep your child's spot in the program you must attend that orientation. 

Programming for NYC Camp sites takes place Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 3:30 PM. Partner sites may have differing schedules. Please visit their website for more details. 

Comfortable clothes for dancing, and a water bottle to refill throughout the day. All other supplies will be provided onsite.

Yes. Every program day, healthy snacks and lunch are provided.

Site Leaders are the administrators at each site. They oversee the day-to-day operations and will serve as your point of contact once the program begins.

We understand that illness cannot be avoided and we will work with your child to catch them up. We ask that parents inform their Site Leader if their child is out due to illness. Site Leader information for your specific site will be provided via email.

Send an email to [email protected] with the subject: Location Change, which location your child is currently registered for, and what location would you like to move them to. A member of our team will confirm if the change is possible.

The final Showcase is an amazing culmination of all the hard work that students have put into their Dance and STEM projects. Each city hosts their own showcase. 

All NYC sites will participate in one showcase on Saturday, August 2nd, the day after the last day of Camp.

Contact Us

Didn't see an answer to your question? Complete the Contact form below, and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Other Programs

Explore more STEM from Dance programs that take place at schools and community organizations.

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Pop Ups & Clubs

Year-round programs at schools and community organizations integrate dance and STEM in electrifying tech-infused dance performances.

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College Access

Support for girls who have participated in a STEM From Dance program and are either approaching high school graduation or have graduated. This program will launch soon.

Our Dedicated Supporters

Our supporters fuel the change we work to create in STEM.

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Your generous contribution of any amount empowers girls of color to become the next generation of STEM leaders.



If you’d like to learn what it takes to bring our programs to your community, complete the form below, and a member of our team will contact you.

Contact Form

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