
Pop Ups & Clubs

Where STEM + dance come together to ignite curiosity and empower girls to pursue STEM activities and careers.


Our Programs

Our programs incorporate dance into STEM education to make STEM culturally relevant, accessible, and appealing to girls, particularly girls of color. We encourage girls to tap into their confidence, dream big, and get creative with STEM.

Pop Ups and Clubs are free and available to girls ages 8 to 18. They take place throughout the year at schools and community-based organizations across the country.

Pop Ups

One-day meetups hosted by a STEM From Dance partner school or organization, where girls gather locally to experiment with STEM, step into different dance styles and discover a community of technologists and creatives. Pop Ups are crafted to spark interest in STEM topics, increase confidence, and encourage deeper engagement in STEM activities.



A 10-week program where girls delve into a rigorous focus of STEM. In Clubs, girls use dance to learn concrete STEM skills that can be applied outside the classroom. They explore various STEM concepts and complete the program with a broader understanding of STEM fields.

Highlights include:

  • Afrobeats & AI

  • Reggeaton and Algorithms & Virality

  • Hoop Dancing & Physics of Percussion

Clubs are officially live! Check with your local organizations or schools to see if they are hosting our programming! 

Partner With Us

We invite school administrators, teachers, or independent community members passionate about STEM education to host a club.

Ready to host?

Clubs: Details regarding facilitator requirements and support provided can be found in our Club two-pager. To host an SFD Club, register using the form below. After applying to host a Club, a STEM From Dance team member will contact you with the next steps.

Other Programs

Explore more STEM from Dance programs happening across the country.

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An unforgettable three-week summer experience where girls explore what's possible when you combine STEM + dance.

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College Access

Support for girls who have participated in a STEM From Dance program and are either approaching high school graduation or have graduated. This program will launch soon.

Our Dedicated Supporters

Our supporters fuel the change we work to create in STEM.

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Your generous contribution of any amount empowers girls of color to become the next generation of STEM leaders.



If you’d like to learn what it takes to bring our programs to your community, complete the form below, and a member of our team will contact you.

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